Dec 05,2022
[更新内容] : 1.新增1个农夫皮肤:阿蒙 2.新增1个怪物皮肤:蓝色妖姬 3.新增[皮肤券] :可试用任意一款角色皮肤 4.新增动态皮肤嫦娥&后羿 [游戏优化] : 1.玩家翻卡后可查看自己与他人的翻卡信息 2.兑换码兑换成功后显示兑换到的物品快进入游戏体验吧^
Dec 05,2022
[更新内容] : 1.新增1个农夫皮肤:阿蒙 2.新增1个怪物皮肤:蓝色妖姬 3.新增[皮肤券] :可试用任意一款角色皮肤 4.新增动态皮肤嫦娥&后羿 [游戏优化] : 1.玩家翻卡后可查看自己与他人的翻卡信息 2.兑换码兑换成功后显示兑换到的物品快进入游戏体验吧^
Dec 05,2022
[更新内容] : 1.新增1个农夫皮肤:阿蒙 2.新增1个怪物皮肤:蓝色妖姬 3.新增[皮肤券] :可试用任意一款角色皮肤 4.新增动态皮肤嫦娥&后羿 [游戏优化] : 1.玩家翻卡后可查看自己与他人的翻卡信息 2.兑换码兑换成功后显示兑换到的物品快进入游戏体验吧^
Dec 05,2022
Dec 05,2022
[更新内容] : 一、新增内容 1、新增农夫: [小炎子] [药尊者] 2、新增两套装修:[乡村农场](花 园别墅] 3、新增怪异化模式: ①本期怪异化模式为黎明模式 ②怪异化敌人: [电视怪] [ T-880] [黑暗支配者] ③天选之子: [ 雷诺] [狙击手] [表情帝] ④更多详情可前往怪异化情报中查看 4、新增第三期星级奖励 5、新增[暴走九尾]动态皮肤 二、优化内容 1、家具解锁顺序优化为从左至右依次解锁
Dec 05,2022
[更新内容] : 一、新增内容 1、新增农夫: [小炎子] [药尊者] 2、新增两套装修:[乡村农场](花 园别墅] 3、新增怪异化模式: ①本期怪异化模式为黎明模式 ②怪异化敌人: [电视怪] [ T-880] [黑暗支配者] ③天选之子: [ 雷诺] [狙击手] [表情帝] ④更多详情可前往怪异化情报中查看 4、新增第三期星级奖励 5、新增[暴走九尾]动态皮肤 二、优化内容 1、家具解锁顺序优化为从左至右依次解锁
Dec 05,2022
一、 新增内容 1、新增怪物: (暴走九尾] 2、新增装修系统 二、优化内容 1、结算界面显示货币增加 2、优化调整了部分主界面UI 3、圆月已过[嫦娥]法力减弱 4、调整了[包租婆] [包租公] [电摇小子]解锁方式 [隐藏皮肤获取攻略] : 赤血尖椒:使用守卫者皮肤[四代目]进入游戏获得道具 [邪云],寻找在地图外的“涡之国”并放下地标,回到农 田上建造9个葵花宝宝后,使用技能传送回涡之国即可解 锁 嫦娥:赢得6次[无限金币]模式的胜利,收集6块月饼, 即可在皮肤界面解锁 鸡神:将农田升级至"自动养鸡场”后,会从“自动养鸡 场”跑出3只鸡,玩家滑动屏幕在地图.上找到并点击3只 鸡,即可解锁 四代目:在地图中找到并拿走3片“小说残页”,即可解锁 (提示:小说残页通常出现在地图转角处) 开朗的欧皇:使用守卫者皮肤[开朗大兵]获得5次经典 模式农夫阵营的胜利 伊丽莎白:使用守卫者皮肤[表情帝]靠近木牌,点击 [拿走]按钮即可解锁 千手:使用任意守卫者皮肤进入单机模式,找到悬崖并点 击按钮,即可解锁 柔骨:使用[千手]皮肤进入单机模式,在地图中找到小 兔子3次,即可电摇小子:在游戏主界面里找到并拖出藏起来的电摇小子 灵符不灭者:使用入侵者皮肤[灵符僵尸]靠近“灵异农 田”(不能摧毁灵异农田), 并在“灵异农田”周围2格范围 内停留5秒后,点击[觉醒]按钮,即可解锁 黑暗支配者:使用守卫者皮肤[人间体]在任意难度[开 拓模式]中获得胜利 嘎子:在守卫者模式中,玩家使用"上!忠犬”技能后,返 回房间靠近一只狗子点击"抱走” 炸弹人:农夫一局内累计拆除20座1级炮塔 雪糕刺客:在不破坏任何葵花宝宝的情况下,取得入侵者 模式的胜利(联机模式也可以触发解锁) 电池军团长:在不破坏任何电光草的情况下,取得入侵者 模式的胜利(联机模式也可以触发解锁) 应龙:使用道具[邪云]或者使用守卫者皮肤[莲藕童 子],在地图外的4个方向找到对应祭坛并点亮后,地图 中心会出现应龙祭坛,回到地图中心点亮应龙祭坛,即可 解锁 [邪云]获取方式:守卫者模式(选怪物x3几率更高)对 入侵者[僵尸]使用[上!忠犬]技能之后可拾取道具 孤独勇者:玩家每次点击农田时有概率出现邮件图标,点 击邮件图标后将汉字按照歌词的正确顺序排列,排列正确 且点击"确认”按钮后即可解锁 开朗大兵:使用任意皮肤进入任意守卫者模式,在房间中 建造1~10级的炮塔各一个,共计10个后解锁。 远古神兽:使用守卫者[卖核弹的小女孩]皮肤在“怪兽 蛋"的房间工作,玩家许愿3次后,怪物蛋位置.上会渐显 [远古神兽],[远古神兽] 靠近并击杀玩家后解锁 莲藕童子:先解锁“邪云"道具后根据墙上“莲花’提示找到地图外的“莲花山”。即可解锁皮肤。 邪云:选择农夫模式(选怪物x3几率更高)对入侵者[僵 尸]使用[关门放狗]技能之后可拾取道具[邪云] -被 动技能: [风火轮] 移速增加、穿墙 包租公: - 完成任意一局游戏(联机/普通模式)后不论输 赢,返回主界面双击左上窗户位置,解锁 包租婆: - 完成任意两局游戏(联机/普通模式)后不论输 赢,返回主界面双击右上窗户位置,解锁。 贝利业:使用怪物模式击碎10个农田可解锁(空房间的农 田也算)。皮肤能力: [魔爪] 主动技能: 玩家可控制 魔抓方向,点击魔抓按钮,掠夺农夫房间内的炮台建筑 端午粽:在怪物模式中,玩家使用[贝利业]角色,并使 用10次"魔爪"技能即可解锁。 人间体:使用任意守卫者,游戏开始找到地图里的3个召唤 棒后,可解锁。(下方 地图粉色方块处为召唤棒位置) 希腊农夫:使用任意农夫角色在房间将”电光草“升级到"电 光草搭档",再在”电光草搭档"附近格子里建造”植物啦啦 队“与”寒冰香菇“两个建筑,可解锁。 蜘蛛boy:地图随机刷出蜘蛛,玩家使用“绿衣农夫”皮肤靠 近之后,蜘蛛boy皮肤出现解锁。 葵花宝子:玩家在双人房中使用[上!忠犬]技能后,地图 随机刷出铲子,根据引导找到铲子并靠近,即可解锁。 卖核弹的小女孩:找到随机一个周边血池附近"核弹”,靠 近"核弹”点击[点燃]按钮后,在本局游戏内死亡,可解 锁(卖核弹的小女孩]并复活一次 哈利法师:每局随机一个房间内出现"魔法书”,玩家不上农 田,靠近魔法书可解锁。 闪电瓜:进入游戏选择怪兽x1模式,选择忠犬和裂变经济这两个大招,直接找个房间进行发育,当我们经济够3000 的时候,直接使用忠犬技能,然后往中间走,因为闪电蛋 会刷新在这附近,找到后我们点击变身就可以获得闪电瓜 健身达人:倒计时结束后不进房间存活30秒就可介绍健身 达人皮肤 表情帝:在没钱的情况下,连续点击粘液蘑菇升级炮台10 次就可以获得表情帝皮肤 狙击手:进入游戏后大招选择有借无还,倒计时结束后使用 大招,之后要偷取五个队友的建筑,就可以解锁 旺财:大招选择灵魂交换,然后猎梦者一定要是金钱豹,进 入房间后使用大招,之后去四个角地图上有显示萝卜的地 方,就是回血点,都找-遍,靠近抱枕就可以获得皮肤 红袍法师:首先我们要对小僵尸使用关门放狗技能,获得穿 墙宝物邪云,然后我们来到最右边,可以看到一个箭头, 我们沿着箭头的方向一-直走,有个魔法阵台,站上去就可 以解锁 扶弟魔:使用猪八戒皮肤进入隐藏房间,铲除隐藏房间里的 电光草就会出现扶弟魔皮肤 绿豆炮兵:首先准备5000的能量,再建一个炮塔, 然后在 炮塔上方种植侠盗太阳花,下方种植磁感应草,左边种植 望远豆兄弟,右边种植植物啦啦队,就会出现绿豆炮兵皮 肤 红袍法师:首先我们要对小僵尸使用关]放狗技能,获得穿 墙宝物邪云,然后我们来到最右边,可以看到一个箭头, 我们沿着箭头的方向一直走,有个魔法阵台,站上去就可 以解锁 终结机甲:倒计时的时候上,上下下左右左右再点击狂暴和震 撼就会出现终结机甲皮肤 暴走戴夫:进入游戏前切换到怪物阵营,倒计时结束之后找 向日葵,消灭它,一共5朵,之后就可以解锁 电视恶灵:进入游戏后通过农夫视角找到变异农田的位 置,倒计时结束之后去找变异农田,之后我们挠破这个农 田就可以获得皮肤
Dec 05,2022
一、新增内容 1、新增农夫:【赤血尖椒】 【嫦娥】 2、限时无限金币模式 二、优化内容 1、删除了一些不合理技能 2、优化调整了部分UI
Dec 05,2022
新增内容 1、新增农夫:[鸡神](黄色闪光]2、部分皮肤可在联机经典模式中使用技能 二、 优化内容 1、优化黎明模式中,满级建筑不能移动的问题 2、优化部分模式中[占领]标记中断移动问题
Dec 05,2022
Principais jogos de mod
Frontline Commando: D-Day_latestmodsapk.com
Frontline Commando: D-Day
High-end, immersive tablet gameplay! Lead the charge on D-Day as the tip of the spear in the largest Allied invasion of WW2! Defeat the occupation forces and take back France; storm the beaches, clear the trenches and liberate towns as you battle through the countryside of Normandy. SEE AND FEEL THE ACTION! Experience the ultimate 3rd person shooter with stunning console quality visuals, precise controls, advanced physics, destructible environments and full voiceovers. Jump into the heat of battle and push your device to the limit! HUGE SINGLE-PLAYER CAMPAIGN! Experience 5 separate campaigns with 145 separate missions based on the actual beach landings; Juno, Sword, Utah, Gold and Omaha. Destroy powerful tanks and cannons to allow allied forces to advance. Grab a stationary gun and unload against fortified positions. Man the Ack-Ack anti-aircraft guns to take down bombers and their escorts before they can release their payloads. RUN THROUGH THE WARZONE! Battle your way into the heart of enemy territory! Run through the battlefield dodging mines and leaping barriers as you move to the next cover point to avoid enemy fire. Emerge from destructible cover points to engage waves of enemies! COMMAND AN ARSENAL OF DEADLY WEAPONS! Take to the frontline with an array of classic weapons from World War 2. Grab a historic rifle to take down enemies accurately or, if you prefer, a machine-gun to unleash a hail of bullets. Call in Artillery strikes against entrenched enemy soldiers or shoulder a bazooka to reduce a tank to rubble. PLEASE NOTE: - This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extra items, which will charge your Google account. You can disable in-app purchasing by adjusting your device settings. -This game is not intended for children. - Please buy carefully. - Advertising appears in this game. - This game may permit users to interact with one another (e.g., chat rooms, player to player chat, messaging) depending on the availability of these features. Linking to social networking sites are not intended for persons in violation of the applicable rules of such social networking sites. - A network connection is required to play. - For information about how Glu collects and uses your data, please read our privacy policy at: www.Glu.com/privacy - If you have a problem with this game, please use the game’s “Help” feature. FOLLOW US at Twitter @glumobile facebook.com/glumobile READ_CONTACTS – The game reads your contacts only to allow you to invite your friends to play. getLine1Number - This permission was accidentally included but is not used by this game. We will remove in an update in near future.
Blocky Plow Farming Harvester_latestmodsapk.com
Blocky Plow Farming Harvester
Harvest the different corps in this harvesting season and earn lot of profit by selling them. Be the tycoon of farming business in USA and beat all your farming rivals in this farming sim. Farm the corps in new blocky farm and earn the fame among the other entire country farmers.

Take your forage farming experience to the next level and be the most experienced block farmer. Smash the other business rivals in this farming tycoon simulation in farming usa and crush them. Plow the fields in the blocky farm alongside the highway and try to produce quality corps. Produce the corps in larger quantity in order to save some for yourself and sell in to the market. Earn heavy profits and buy more corps to plow in your blocky farm and produce more corps. Be the king pin of the farming business in the open country road side and stay on the top. Harvests the Wheat, Rice, Cotton, Corn, Sugarcane & Sunflower and sell them into markets.
This massive block open world style game let you harvest and manage your own farm. Plow your fields, seed them, spray them for safety and then the harvest them after cultivating. Expand your farming business by unlocking and purchasing new type of corps to harvest. Take the control of your harvester and drive it towards the fields by following the directional arrow. Complete the given task within time limit to complete the level successfully and upgrade the corps. If you are failed to complete the mission within time then the level will be failed.

◆ Experience the real farming environment.
◆ Harvest the different corps with real tools and machinery.
◆ Drive the harvester with real driving physics and functions.
◆ Cultivate the farm, unlock new corps and upgrade your business.
◆ Be the ultimate farmer tycoon and rule the farming business.
◆ Sell your corps and buy more from the market.
Toca Life World_latestmodsapk.com
Toca Life World
Create stories and build your own world with Toca Life World. You’ll get all the fun of your other favorite Toca Life apps such as City, Vacation, Office, Hospital, and more, all together in one place.

Want to give grandma a wild hairstyle? Bring a sloth to the Skate Park? Or just hang out with friends? If you thought it was fun to dive into a Toca Life app and do whatever you want then you were right. This is your own world where you build characters and create stories your way. Make storylines and discover that anything is possible today.

You can even go further and create stories with your favorite characters in any location you want. Want to take a pet to School? Go for it. Take the doctor to the Salon and dye her hair green? Rock on. In Toca Life World you’re the boss. Build characters, create stories, and play the way you want.


You can visit Bop City, a vibrant city area with 8 different locations for you to discover, like the hairdresser, the shopping mall and food court, or even an apartment. It’s a great start when you want to build your own world!

Do you already play other apps within the Toca Life series? City? Vacation? Office? Great! When you download Toca Life World, we’ll help you bring all of that stuff into the mega-app. Then you can start mixing and matching locations and characters to create heaps of new storylines.

If you want to discover more locations, that’s cool. Toca Life World has a shop where more than 100 locations, 500 characters, and 500 pets are available for purchase. With different prices from small to big, you can decide to add a little or a lot. We’ll always be updating with more locations, characters and crazy things to do.

Guess what? You don’t need to make purchases in the shop to get new items to add to your world. Check back every week and discover exclusive surprise gifts!

Discover exciting storylines, build characters, and don’t miss out on a moment of fun - download Toca Life World today!

About Us:

At Toca Boca, we believe in the power of play to spark kids’ imaginations and help them learn about the world. We design our products from the kids' perspective to empower kids to be playful, to be creative and to be who they want to be. Our products include award-winning apps that have been downloaded more than 200 million times in 215 countries and offer fun, safe, open-ended play experiences. Learn more about Toca Boca and our products at tocaboca.com.

Privacy is an issue that we take very seriously. To learn more about how we work with these matters, please read our privacy policy: https://tocaboca.com/privacy
Stealth Agent Gangster Mission_latestmodsapk.com
Stealth Agent Gangster Mission
Are you ready for unlimited adventures to play like a top secret agent of US secret service in this mafia gangster shootout mission game, taking responsibility to arrest Vegas city museum robbery criminals? The main objective is to locate the crime scene in car and shootout all jail escaped prisoners who trying to steal precious and ancient treasures. Drive like professional TAXI driver but act like a swat police force secret agent to chase the prisoners & arrest them within time limit. The criminals are in museum and you need to chase or shoot down them to rescue museum hostages.

Are you ready to join the US secret service? Game will give you some missions to see if you are good enough to take part of crime vendetta. Proving you the most customized vintage classic car. The criminals are out there in the museum. Your duty is to lockdown against downtown mafia gods while they will try to criminal escape and stealth but you have to arrest them or kill them all to release hostages. An exciting gameplay, shoot criminals and rescue hostages. A lot of tasks on your way while chasing the gangster squad. Beware!! It's a public place, robbers will try to escape from museum building hiding themselves behind the human shields but you have to make sure you don't hit any citizen.

Become the real army secret agent and chase the gangsters. All the missions contains stunning and challenging game-play filled with extreme city car driving like chasing, drifting & ultimate stunts adventure. We are sure you will enjoy this cool and real secret agent mafia arrest action 3D game. Enjoy the best Police secret agent mafia gods escape mission game that includes speed driving, parking, drifting, and chasing the Vegas city robbers. Secret agent is now all set to drive & arrest the robbers. So you are going be a real SWAT secret agent in this amazing shooting, parking simulator & action game.

First time in Vegas city traffic you are driving classic car and chasing the criminal gangs. Enjoy super car drive as fast as you like, but drive carefully to avoid hitting downtown city traffic and road sides. Complete the gangsters hard time criminal escape mission objectives against museum robbers to unlock the next levels. Police officer task including driving, chasing & heavy assault gun shooting, each level of game will give you the different mission of driving and shooting. Different tactics to complete the tasks or unlock the next missions. Driving & shooting game play is very addictive. You have to chase & museum robbery gangsters, with assault rifle & sniper guns. Just drive your public transporter car through the downtown city traffic and reach the crime scene to rescue museum hostages & ancient treasures.

Stealth Agent Gangster Mission Game Features:

• Secret Agent City Car Driving & assault shooting against mafia criminals
• Highly challenging stealth games mission for real secret agent spy
• Real time stealth and sniper shooting game play
• Extreme car Driving Stunts with sniper shooting challenges
• A Complete US City Environment to Explore
• Chase and Arrest Museum Robbery Criminals to kill & Lockup into the Jail
• Driving Fun with secret agent stealth mission Duty Adventures
• Multiple Camera Modes to Enhance Gameplay Experience

So what are you waiting for? Download the “Stealth Agent Gangster Mission” 3D Action Game and enjoy the experience of real secret service agent adventures stealth & assault shooting missions.
投掷长矛刺穿敌人! 只需简单地拖放手指即可进行定位和投掷。 特征: - 简单的控制。 - 现实物理系统。 无数狡猾的敌人。 - 有趣的音效。 - 增加难度级别。 - 杀死更多敌人以赚取更多硬币。 - 各种武器和装甲用于收集。 立即开始游戏!尝试成为顶尖的spearman!